Work starts on our ‘new’ winery

Jan 24, 2014News

New winery for Domaine Lou Cayla

Today is a very important day. Work started on our new winery. Or, more accurately, on the renovation project to turn an earthern floored, stone barn into a functioning, clean winery. The barn has most recently been used to store tractors and agricultural equipment but at one time it was the Salle des Fetes for the village of Mailhac. Some of the older inhabitants of the village can remember dancing there in the 1950s!

Photo from 24 Jan 2014 DSCN0325

The very large hole being dug out is for winery effluent tanks. It is illegal to put winery waste into town drains so instead the drains will void into these tanks which will be hidden under the floor. Luckily, we didn’t hit any rock so digging was relatively easy. Nor did we find any archaeological remains – Mailhac has a long history and is the site of a major archaeological dig.