
Mar 10, 2014News

Pruning and tying in Syrah

One of the advantages about having such a small acreage of vines is that you can choose to prune only when the weather is nice.  March has been glorious so far –  sunny and 20°C, so perfect for finishing off pruning our Syrah and tying in the canes.

Pruning by committee: not recommended, except for a photo opp when pruning the last vine!

Pruning by committee

Simon, Juliet and Mathilda prune the last vine

The sharp eyed will notice that this vine is cordon de royat spur pruned so there are no canes to tie in. As an experiment, we have converted 2 rows in the vineyard from single guyot (cane pruned) to cordon de royat.

Here, Barrie gets to grips with tying in without snapping the canes.

Barrie ties in Syrah canes

Barrie ties in Syrah canes